2013年試用電子書-Thieme eBooks登入方式說明


2013年試用電子書-Thieme eBooks登入方式說明 編號57之Thieme eBooks試用電子書業已完成各校設定, 試用帳密已於日前以email函知各校(範例如下:寄件者: The MyiLibrary Team; 信件主旨:Trial Details), 請點選試用書單中所列出之URL進入,再以各校之試用帳號與密碼登入閱讀. 
2013年電子書試用網頁: http://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/doc/CA/trial2013.html 
From: The MyiLibrary Team 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 11:21 PM
To: xxx@xxx.edu.tw
Subject: Trial Details  
Dear National Taiwan University,
MyiLibrary: http://lib.myilibrary.com
Username: ****
Password: **** 
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Contact Email:  
Trial Expiration Date: 2013/02/11 
Thank you for your interest in the MyiLibrary 'Search & View' Website and your request for access to the trial site. We are pleased to inform you that your trial account has been setup and your account access details are shown above. (以下略)
徵集小組敬上 2013.01.16

