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致 臺灣學術電子書暨資料庫聯盟成員館,大家好: 

1. 增加國會分類法與杜威分類法
2. 更正書名: 加副標題與修正書名的不完整資訊
3. 更正作者呈現方式為”姓, 名”
4. 清單No. 272, 273  No.848-852  No. 917-919 為叢書: 新增URL
5. 修正電子書ISBN: No. 1176、No. 1099、No. 976
6. 版次:
No. 22 Evolution in Health and Disease : 2nd
No. 75 The Welfare of Children : 2nd
No. 446 Freedom and Belief: 2nd
No. 448 Eternal God: A Study of God without Time: 2nd
No.547 Human Genome Epidemiology, 2nd Edition: Building the evidence for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease:2nd
No. 548 Social Networks and Health: Models, Methods, and Applications: 2nd
No.552 Teaching Epidemiology: A guide for teachers in epidemiology, public health and clinical medicine: 1st
No. 553 Evaluating Health Promotion: Practice and Methods: 3rd
No. 557 Tobacco: Science, policy and public health:2nd
No. 559 Evidence-Based Public Health:2nd
p.s 278 extra titles為2010年所採購,廠商亦提供給2010年非加入聯盟之成員館使用。
邱子翎 小姐
(02-2545-6077#206 kathy.chiu@oup.com).
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